I Got Games
Aug 22, 2017 | 1 Votes

Who are they?
Founded back in 2006, I Got Games, or IGG for short, is a renowned international game developing and publishing company that has quite a number of games across various platforms under its belt, including the popular mobile real-time strategy games, Castle Clash and Lords Mobile.
Headquartered in Singapore, the company has regional offices in multiple countries, including the United States, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Canada, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Belarus and the Philippines, which are mainly in charge of marketing and operations.
What do they do?
IGG primarily provides free-to-play mobile games that are designed to cater to a global market right from the ground up. Even with the heavily-marketed MMO strategy game, Castle Clash, the company has had a slow but steady growth during its first decade. This all changed once March 2016 came around and their real-time war strategy game, Lords Mobile, was released.

The game was an instant hit! In addition to a variety of other awards, it also won the coveted “Most Competitive Game” title from among Google Play’s list of the best games of 2016 in 73 different countries! However, the best thing about all of this is that Lords Mobile has managed to attract a ton of large spenders (players that are often dubbed as “Whales” in the South-East Asian regions), allowing its creators to massively increase their revenue and giving them the funds and the opportunity to experiment more boldly with their game designs and hopefully come out with other exciting games. In fact, the revenue for Lords Mobile is still on the rise even until today.
The success of Lords Mobile has propelled IGG to impressive heights. The company has been nominated and even awarded with several prestigious accolades including "2016 China Securities Golden Bauhinia Award: Best Growth Potential", the "Golden Hong Kong Stocks Award: Best Listed Company on Market Value Management", and the "2016 China Financial Market Listed Companies Award: Listed Company with the Most Potential".
Today, IGG boasts a portfolio of over 15 mobile titles and – they have started to diversify in terms of game platforms – 8 browser/PC games. Many of the games they publish are games that you might have heard of or even played before, such as their series of online casino games (Slot Machines by IGG or Bingo by IGG, for example), MMORPGs (Godswar Online and Wings of Destiny), strategy games (Clash of Lords 2 and Castle Clash) and also their most recent card game, Deck Heroes.
Now, from what we can see and know, the games produced by IGG are as successful as it is today is mainly because they are very apt at building upon game formulae that are known to work. Take Lords Mobile for instance. The game is quite similar to Clash of Clans in many ways and we all can agree on how insanely successful the latter game is. However, what the developers at IGG did was to take that same formula and figure out how they can make the game even more addictive to play... and they got it – by fleshing out the game design, adding in more features (PvE ones specifically) and turning each battle in the game into truly epic clashes.
Not to mention, IGG is among the several games publishing companies in the South-East Asian regions that has a strong hold in the “competitive strategy” game genre in the international market – thanks to their possibly very enriching experience from launching Lords Mobile. This made the company an ideal go-to for other smaller developers in the Asian region that are looking to expand their game market into a much bigger (global) scale.

Last but not least, IGG did well when it diversified the games they develop. Instead of only having an entire chunk of the “real-time strategy” market where their games largely appeal to competitive players who are looking to get to the top and stay there, the company also has a rather huge following in the online casino market with the release of their poker, bingo and slot games. Obviously, the types of players that play these online casino games are quite different than your average strategy player.
Interestingly enough, IGG has also come up with a social app, WeGamers, that’s somewhat similar to Whatsapp and the like, but it specially designed for players from Lords Mobile and Castle Clash. Players from those game not only can easily communicate with their guildmates through the app; they can even stream their battles in real time, get a notification whenever an enemy scout is spotted, and claim awesome freebies simply by using the app.
What does the future hold?
With fuel and momentum from its recent successes, IGG has a pretty bright future ahead. Unlike other mobile companies, IGG has managed to crack (somewhat) the secret of attracting a certain type of players – the sort that spends a lot – by tapping into the most popular genres and this is obvious from their most recent release, which happens to be a competitive card game.
Couple that with its innate proficiency at improving existing game formats, we can definitely expect IGG to continue producing mobile games that are well-suited to match the current gaming trends. Who knows? They might just develop their biggest game yet!
If you’re interested to know more about the many games that I Got Games has in its portfolio, do head on over to our IGG Games List to find out more.
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