Crush Crush

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Crush Crush is an anime-themed, idle dating sim where you can build relationships and eventually date cute anime girls. Of course, you’ll need some means to fund your dating habits by working (sometimes multiple jobs) and investing in your hobbies (to level up certain stats and hence, build character). If you’re of the legal age, you can also turn on the NFSW version of the game and play that instead.
One day, while biking to the local grocery store to buy a drink and some snacks, you got distracted by a pigeon and you accidentally ran a poor girl on the street down. She was severely injured.
Funnily enough, as the ambulance brought her away, the love/matchmaking fairy, Q-Piddy (yes, that’s her actual name) pops out. She sees the potential for a budding relationship between you and the girl, who apparently is called Cassie, and wants to set up a date for you.
As you play, you will eventually meet the basic criteria of various attractive anime girls and “unlock” them, making them available for you to pursue.
Before you start the game, Crush Crush, you’ll be given an option to turn on the NFSW version of the game. Of course, you can always choose not to and play the “default” game which is work- and possibly school-friendly.
Despite being an idle game, there are several components to the game which warrants the need of a tutorial. The tutorial is short and sweet though, and you’ll be playing the game proper in no time!
As you might expect of a dating sim, in this game, you’ll be able to date a host of typical anime girls ranging from the “tough on the outside, but mushy on the inside”-type to the ones who actually molded their personalities to that of an animal. However, before you can be a stud and sweep any of the girls off their feet, you’ll need some cash.
Game currency can be earned by “working”. The working aspect of the game uses the idle gameplay that you might be familiar with. This means that your character will automatically work every hour of everyday provided that you decided to do a job. There are many jobs here, from pro-athlete to demon hunter, and even from astronaut to love doctor. However, you won’t get access to all these jobs at the get-go because they have very different stats requirements before you can actually do them.
Your stats are a crucial part of the game and they will determine which job you can do and which girl you can unlock. Thankfully, like “working” in this game, you can pretty easily earn stats by doing your Hobbies in a similar manner – simply choose which stats/hobby you want to level up and click on it to get it started. You can switch between the many hobbies depending on which stats you need.
What’s stopping you from activating every job and every hobby you can do and level them up all at the same time? Well, Crush Crush utilizes a rather ingenious and surprisingly realistic Time Block system whereby every activity you perform will take up a certain number of blocks of your day. All the hobbies will take up 3 of your time blocks when activated, while the time blocks you’ll need for working vary from job to job.
This is a really cool feature mainly because it’s somewhat realistic – there is only so much time to be had in a day. Plus, it has some strategy to it - It all boils down to how you’re able to maximize the time blocks you have just so you can level up or earn money faster.
Not to mention, there’s another interesting aspect to work part of the game – you can actually be promoted the longer you stick with a job. Who knows? You may eventually make your way up from a lowly waiter to the manager of a restaurant.
Now that you’re flushed with character (stats) and cash, it’s time to pursue the many girls Crush Crush has to offer. Gaining affection with the girls is pretty easy – it’s basically a clicker game. You can earn affection points by simply clicking on them or talking to them. As you progress through the relationship, you will eventually be able to send gifts and allocate some Time Blocks to take them out on dates.
Each girl has a list of requirements – or criteria if you will – that you will have to complete if you want to move on to the next stage of the relationship with them. Some of them may require you to reach a certain level on a certain attribute or have a certain amount of cash, while others may want you to send a specific gift/s. Naturally, you will need to level up your affection with them as well.
How can you unlock new girls to date? Well, basically, you just need to gain the threshold level of an attribute to be introduced to a new girl. There is a total of 14 single girls available in the game. However, note that you can only unlock new girls in the sequence specified in the game. Personally, I find the girls on Crush Crush to be extremely superficial and shallow, and the only thing that kept me going is the need to unlock all the girls just to read about their stories. Avid players of the game may feel otherwise, however.
As a free-to-play game, Crush Crush will definitely have a monetization system. In this game, most of the spending would probably be in buying up Nutaku’s premium currency just so you can convert those into Diamonds for the game. Diamonds will allow you to skip waiting times and even instantly buy levels for the stats you want.
Aside from being time-saving, spenders can also purchase a host of advantages such as more time blocks, which equals to a faster-paced gameplay, and a myriad of boosts. You can even buy special bundles which contains exclusive characters that other players will not be able to obtain by any other means.
Like all idle games, you will eventually reach a stage where the pace of the game feels rather sluggish. If that’s the case, it’s time for you to reset your progress and start all over… but with a nice little permanent boost at the very start. The amount boosted depends solely on the achievements you gained.
Crush Crush isn’t a social game and as such, doesn’t have a big community to speak of. Of course, due to its rather male-oriented sexual nature, it is not surprising to see that most of its players are young, anime-loving males.
Graphics/ Sound
Crush Crush has a really upbeat music, and nice sound effects that aren’t too cringey. The anime-style graphics are brilliant as well. The details on the artwork are astonishing to say the least, though, in some way, the girls are depicted in a rather sexualized manner.
All in all, Crush Crush is a pretty entertaining idle dating sim that features beautiful anime girls for you to take out on a virtual date. The idle-style gameplay makes most parts of the game quite easy to play, maybe except when it comes earning the affection of the girls you encounter – this part can be rather grindy and require plenty of manual labor, namely intense clicking. If you love idle games that has a somewhat sexual twist to it, Crush Crush is a game you’ll want to play. The game is completely free to play and can be accessed directly from your browser.
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