Top 10 Games Like The HouseholdStart your very own household in this popular simulation game, The Household! Build up your farm by planting and harvesting crops as well as clearing your land of weeds and trees. You can also keep adorable farm animals and feed them so they’d grow. Think you have what it takes to build up a household? Play now!
Plant, water and grow a variety of pretty flowers and harvest them to restock your shop! Sell your goods to your customers and increase your store’s reputation!7rate
Experience the joys of family life: divide the home-keeping chores, make your home as beautiful and as comfortable as you can and please your significant other! 9.5rate
Your poor old granny needs your help to maintain and, if you're up to it, grow your family farm! Even with the support of the people in the nearby town, can you do it?9.7rate