Total Domination
Apr 5, 2015 | 2 Votes | 3 Played | 0 Reviews
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Fight against the mutant infestation as well as commanders from other sectors in this exciting military/sci-fi themed MMORTS game – Total Domination! Develop your own sector and start to stockpiling resources to build up a massive army of mutants, cyborgs, quadruple-legged tanks, mechs, drones, and of course, huge Enterprise-like starships! Upgrade technologies to increase the capabilities of your troops and (why the hell not) add in some serum boost as well! No one ever won a war by sitting behind a big wall with their army though. Get out there, identify some prospective targets, engage and destroy your enemy! Prove your worth to General T. Winters and dominate the world in Total Domination!
Being a MMORTS game, you’ll need to start by building up your resources first in Total Domination. You aren’t going to be able to build an empire or an army without collecting some taxes first. Thus, you will first need to build vaults (up to 6 of them) in order to collect credits and find recruits! Remember that an army marches on its stomach and 3 square meals a day for each soldier starts to add up when you’re paying for them. The number of troops you can maintain is going to depend on how many credits you have coming in. Don’t forget to build banks to keep those credits secure and can upgrade them to increase maximum amount of credits you can store.
Due to the depletion of the world’s iron and aluminium supply in Total Domination, titanium is now the metal of choice for constructing buildings and weaponries. This is pretty good news since titanium is, after all, the stronger stuff. You will definitely need lots of it. Hence, you will need to build up to 5 titanium mines on your base as well. Not to mention, your units, buildings, weapons, vehicles, all need power. Not that they are practical in any way, but windmills and other traditional means of power generation are just not enough to keep the juices flowing in your sector. Therefore, you’re going to need uranium. Thankfully, with the 5 uranium fields on your map, you can construct enough uranium mines to secure enough energy. You will also need to build a warehouse so you can start stockpile titanium and uranium. All your resources have to go somewhere, right?
The cornerstone of developing a successful sector in Total Domination is having enough credits, uranium and titanium (resources). If you need more, you can capture and hold uranium, credits and titanium deposits, raid other sectors (don’t forget to recon first), invade to take hold of an enemy sector so that it’ll produce resources for you (up to 3) or the easiest way - carry out outsourced mercenary operations for the Independent Arms Association. Mercenary operations are really simple to do – you’ll just need to start the mission, wait for the countdown to finish and go collect your resource! There are 5 missions for you to do and the list with refreshed with new missions every 5 hours.
There is also another method to get additional resources in Total Domination, that is by acquire some transportation and building a trade gateway, unless, of course, you plan on marching all your supplies in. Here, you can trade supplies for supplies and research modules for other research modules with other players. By upgrading your trade gateway, you will increase the number of caravans you can load with cargo. More caravans means the more you can trade per exchange! Trade is serious business and you may find that the extra bucket of transmission fluid, stash of capacitors or ton of uranium may mean the difference between defeat and victory!
Since the major population centers lost touch with each other in Total Domination, modern science isn’t exactly what it used to be. Simple technologies like cold fusion, neutron grenades, biomimetic combat implants and properly working coffee machines are just not available anymore. We need those things back! This is where your research center comes in to fill up these gaps. Your squints will be producing research modules daily and you’ll need to combine them to advance your technology! New techs will enable you to build nastier guns, field stronger units and increase production and other futuristic innovations towards the war effort. You can also upgrade your technologies all the way up to level 20. Scientific developments are vital to let you stay one-step ahead of your opposition…so, let’s not forget that!
Furthermore, your enemies will not always sit around and wait for you to come to them. You will need to prepare for any invasive contingencies in Total Domination by having first established some defensive measures! Aim for ‘impenetrable fortress’ here, so you won’t make it easy for them to invade your sector. You can build 12 towers in total which you can later mount with turrets, but you should make sure to space them out, so they have overlapping fields. Just remember that bad guys hate walls… especially tall ones... with spikes... and cybernetic dogs set on defensive mode on the other side. There is also a bunker to help keep some of your resources and your troops that you’ve sent into it safe.
Alright, commander, so far you’ve got mines, warehouses, banks and vaults. You will also note that all of these have a combat effective range of zero point zero meters. Thus, it’s time to get that barracks constructed to start building your army! After all, you won’t be doing much commanding without anyone to command. You will notice that you have different kinds of troops, which can be basically separated into 2 categories – defensive or offensive. Offensive units range from your standard issue generic model infantry walking sandbag, the Trooper, all the way up to the Valkyrie. Defensive units, on the other hand, include cyberdogs and guardians. You can even recruit the elite versions of your troops by spending a bit of crystals (that you can buy using real life currency).
As you progress in Total Domination, you will be unlocking more unit types besides infantry, which include armored corps (where you can build cool quadruple-legged tanks), artillery (where you can build even cooler mechs) and to rain death from above with your army of battlecruisers – the air forces. You can also recruit your friends as cyborgs that have both offensive and defensive capabilities to join your army via the cyberlab.
Now, there are some who say only training makes the soldier. They obviously haven’t seen cybernetic implant technology in action. Nothing flattens your enemy’s morale more than having to face an 11 foot tall bio-engineered, nuclear-armed cybernetic mutant with servo-assisted muscles and a really mean look! Thus, don’t forget to upgrade your troops at the tech nexus using tech nodes as well as the technologies you’ve unlocked at the technological tree. You can also activate serum boosts at your genetics lab for a nice passive bonus to your offensive or defensive troops’ stats. You can even check out the black market for some seriously high tech stuff that will give you that extra edge you need against your enemies!
There is also a parade ground that you can build in your base to display the might of your army to whomever that visits your sector. You can arrange your troops into cool-looking yet practical formations there and share the screenshot to your friends!
Last but not least, your performance in Total Domination is certainly going to earn you some well-deserved recognition. You can see how many achievements you’ve acquired and collect your reward, mainly medals, crystals and troops, from them. If you can keep it up at this rate, you’ll look like a walking-and-talking rack for hanging medals soon enough! Good work, soldier!
Keep in mind that no man is an island! Starting off as a small empire, you’re going to need help in the form of military support and trades as you expand your sphere of influence. Therefore, it’s is wise as a commander to conduct diplomacy with fellow players in your sector via your embassy and get some allies and soft-power to watch your back!
You can also enlist in a clan to coordinate your forces, learn new skills and crush mutual enemies with your fellow clan mates. United we stand! Divided – well, we’re mutant chow! You can even head over to the Facebook page of Total Domination and join the game community to meet new allies and potential enemies! After all, you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer!
Graphics/ Sound
The futuristic/sci-fi theme of the game is absolutely well-designed. This is evident in its richly detailed graphics, troops and building models, city skins… well practically every other piece of graphic the game has! Plarium’s famous in-game voice acting and score is excellent as usual in Total Domination! The gritty military speak fits flawlessly with the theme, providing an authentic feel to the game!
Although it is differently themed, Total Domination follows the same formula, albeit a bit too closely, that made all of the other MMORTS games from Plarium such a success! In this game, you’ll need to develop your base to churn out enough resources for you to build up and sustain a formidable army that will make your enemies tremble in fear! There are a huge range of troops that you can recruit, including basic infantry units, armored tanks, artilleries as well as the air force! Don’t forget to upgrade your technologies so that your troops can get the best implants and cybergenetics there is to give them that extra edge they need for battles! Rally your allies and work with your clan members to coordinate your efforts to take out either mutant or human targets as well! A whole new world awaits your domination in Total Domination; so, let’s snap to it, commander!
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New Game Added: Total Domination
Apr 5, 2015

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